Case study
vigram go
Measurement straight from your pocket
vigram go revolutionizes the way construction sites are surveyed and documented: the app enables 3D-scans and measurements of buildings to within 1 cm of precision. Operations like these used to require expensive equipment and time-consuming post-processing on a computer. vigram go is the first app that manages to perform such precise 3D-measurements on a smartphone. The app makes construction documentation easier, quicker and more affordable than ever.

The project started with the CEO of vigram approaching us with a seemingly simple question: is it possible to measure real-world objects using only the smartphone camera? We had a lot of experience with image processing projects, and we knew: this is far from being a trivial problem to solve. “Honestly: We’re not sure – but we can try,” was our answer, which kicked off the entire project as well as our fighting spirit to implement the desired product.
In close cooperation with the vigram- and Pix4D-team, we worked in research sprints to investigate different approaches of how smartphone-based measurement could work. It soon became clear that a smartphone camera alone is not sufficient to measure objects, but not to the extent that is necessary in the construction industry. Therefore, vigram created a custom phone case with additional sensors that we could use to perform the surveying.
After lots of research and development of our team and the incredible team of engineers at vigram, it worked. The app was finally able to measure objects with a precision of 1 cm. Our implemented algorithms were melted into the final product, which is now called vigram go. vigram go marks the beginning of a new era on construction sites in the direction of more resource-efficient building: As a comprehensive solution for smart documentation, it cuts unnecessary trench visits and by documenting every construction step three-dimensionally, it reduces risks.
iOS Experience
After the first app was developed, we wrapped the results of our work into a Software Development Kit (SDK) that vigram uses to build individual surveying solutions for their clients. The SDK gets extended and improved and is the basis for new surveying apps.
We’re looking forward to more innovative features that will enter the app in the future!