by Sebastian Sellmair | Jun 4, 2019 | Android
How KEEP-87 & Typeclasses will change the way we write Kotlin JUNE 4, 2019 | SEBASTIAN SELLMAIR What is KEEP-87 At QuickBird Studios, almost all of our projects are implemented in either Koltin or Swift. It’s only natural, that we compare these languages and find...
by Sebastian Sellmair | Mar 19, 2019 | Android
Is Kotlin/Native production ready? Why we are not using it (yet) MARCH 19, 2019 | SEBASTIAN SELLMAIR Edit A lot has changed since this article was initially released. Many issues that we had are solved. This article is now officially “out of date”. We...
by Malte Bucksch | May 8, 2018 | Android, iOS
App architecture: Functional MVVM with RxJava & RxSwift MAY 8, 2018 | MALTE BUCKSCH The problem with the way many people implement and explain their app architecture is something like that: The Fragment or UIViewController becomes a massive class that contains...