by Malte Bucksch | Aug 21, 2018 | General
What is Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)? AUGUST 21, 2018 | MALTE BUCKSCH The new buzzword to impress your friends: Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) Using Functional Reactive Programming, you write less code, you have fewer bugs, you can program...
by Sebastian Sellmair | Aug 6, 2018 | General
Software Design Pattern: Composite by Induction AUGUST 6, 2018 | SEBASTIAN SELLMAIR We at QuickBird Studios are often faced with a wide variety of problems. Some of them are very easy to solve, some of them are very, very hard and some are … let’s say… „very...
by Malte Bucksch | Mar 29, 2018 | General
Testing Mobile Apps MARCH 29, 2018 | MALTE BUCKSCH Like any piece of software, mobile apps need to be tested to make sure they work correctly. Otherwise, your app might crash on your user’s devices or has other bugs. You get bad ratings, people uninstall your app. You...