by Stefan Kofler | Oct 1, 2018 | iOS
Introducing an iOS navigation library based on the coordinator pattern OCTOBER 1, 2018 | STEFAN KOFLER We at QuickBird Studios are working on large-scale apps that grow over years and that’s why our team worked really hard to find suitable architectural Stefan Kofler | Jun 26, 2018 | iOS
Syncing app data: Sync Realm with server-side database like MySQL JUNE 26, 2018 | STEFAN KOFLER Over the last couple of months, Realm became the go-to mobile database solution. It’s a mobile, offline-first database solution to store your app’s data Malte Bucksch | May 8, 2018 | Android, iOS
App architecture: Functional MVVM with RxJava & RxSwift MAY 8, 2018 | MALTE BUCKSCH The problem with the way many people implement and explain their app architecture is something like that: The Fragment or UIViewController becomes a massive class that contains...Get notified when our next article is born!
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