by Paul Kraft | Nov 15, 2021 | iOS
RxSwift to Combine: The Complete Transition Guide NOVEMBER 15, 2021 | PAUL KRAFT Combine is the new cool kid in town when it comes to reactive programming with Swift, so many developers in the community want to switch from RxSwift to Combine. Both frameworks are very...
by Marvin März | Oct 4, 2021 | Flutter
Use Dart Mixins More Often! Here is Why… OCTOBER 4, 2021 | MARVIN MÄRZ Mixins are a super-powerful feature in Dart and if you’re developing apps with Flutter, you should use them more often! 💙 In this article, we’ll show you why – and how....
by Balazs Toth | Aug 23, 2021 | Android
Kotlin’s Sealed Interfaces & The Hole in The Sealing AUGUST 23, 2021 | BALAZS TOTH Sealed interfaces were just introduced in Kotlin 1.5 and are a very powerful new feature. But with great power comes great responsibility, so we need to learn when to use and when...
by Yusuf Demirci | Jul 5, 2021 | iOS
Supporting Both CocoaPods & The Swift Package Manager JULY 5, 2021 | YUSUF DEMIRCI When creating a library, we usually strive to support all commonly used package managers. For iOS libraries, the most popular ones are Cocoapods, the Swift Package Manager (SPM),...
by Mischa Hildebrand | Jun 7, 2021 | iOS
How to Read BLE Characteristics in Swift JUNE 7, 2021 | MISCHA HILDEBRAND When your iOS (or macOS) app needs to read data from a nearby Bluetooth device – how do you decode the data included in the BLE characteristics? At QuickBird Medical, we often work with...