Snapshot Testing in Kotlin and Android

Snapshot Testing in Kotlin and Android

Snapshot Testing in Kotlin and Android JULY 27, 2022 | BALAZS TOTH Probably every mobile developer knows these small but annoying bugs: The general toolbar of the app is restyled, and it looks good on 29 out of the total 30 screens but on one of the screens some UI...
The Abstract Syntax Tree – Kotlin vs. Swift

The Abstract Syntax Tree – Kotlin vs. Swift

The Abstract Syntax Tree – Kotlin vs. Swift APRIL 4, 2022 | FREDERIK KAMMEL Have you ever wondered why we have to use Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS development? We asked ourselves the same question and came quickly to the conclusion that there might be a...
How to Build a Wordle Game With SwiftUI

How to Build a Wordle Game With SwiftUI

How to Build a Wordle Game With SwiftUI JANUARY 31, 2022 | MISCHA HILDEBRAND Have you heard of Wordle? Chances are you have as it really went viral on Twitter the past few weeks. It’s a simple game that’s truly addictive. We were also...
Value Classes in Kotlin: Good-Bye, Type Aliases!?

Value Classes in Kotlin: Good-Bye, Type Aliases!?

Value Classes in Kotlin: Good-Bye, Type Aliases!? DECEMBER 13, 2021 | FREDERIK KAMMEL With the release of Kotlin 1.5.0, value classes (formerly known as inline classes) are finally stable and were released from their @OptIn annotations. Many were hyped about the...

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